propulsion systems


Pulsed Inertial Propulsion (PIE)
the Trammel engine
Along With other
systems of various types


Stclairtech R&D...



- Scientific Heresy Alert - 


Here at StclairtechR&D we are a privately funded independent R&D company

commited to developing new alternative propulsion systems

for use in virtually all transportation of people and goods.


We are currently testing, designing and redesigning multiple

CLIP (short for Closed Loop Inertial Propulsion) systems

that do not require any expulsion of mass

(such as Rockets, jets, propellers, etc )

or require any type of friction with external media

to react with (such as Earth or other surface, air, water, etc). 


These propulsion systems are capable of providing low/no pollution alternatives

 to conventional propulsion engines and systems.


Our Pulsed Inertial Engine (PIE) systems have been "open source" and are freely 

shared with the public via our channels on YouTube & BitChute and our 

Grassroots Mechanics blog (see our Links page).


We have presented our work at APEC conferences sponsored by Falcon Space, 

and other public and private conferences and venues.


We want to thank you for visiting here, and invite you to browse our site,

learn more about scientifically proven alternative propulsion presented

here and by others working in the field. 


"Supra et Ultra" i.e. "Above and Beyond"

Current Primary Project: Trammel Engine v2

Stage 01: Base Design - Complete

Stage 02: Base Material Selection - Complete

Stage 03: Specialty Machine Tooling - Complete

Stage 04: Machine Primary Components - Complete

Stage 05: Assemble Primary Frame (Superstructure) - Complete

Stage 06: Fabricate Timing Chain Assemblies - Complete

Stage 07: Fabricate "Shuttles" - Complete

Stage 08: Fabricate Connecting Rods - Complete

Stage 09: Fabricate Active Mass Points - In Process

Stage 10: Drive motors - Not Started

Stage 11: TBD


Current Secondary Project: Trammel Engine v3

Stage 01: Base Design - In Process

Stage 02: TBD


Our work gallery

We offer




At Stclairtech R&D...


We take a "hands-on" approach.

We build and test everything we design and

do not rely on computer simulations.

Even though this is a costly and very time consuming approach, we feel that this approach adds accuracy as well as credibility to our R&D test results.

We have never made (and never will make) any claims about our designs that have not been scientifically tested and verified with witnesses and video documentation

whenever possible.

If it isn't verified, we don't make claims!

Feel free to contact Stclairtech R&D for more information


Stclairtech R&D email: