PIE 6.xx

PIE 6.xx:

As a "companion" project to the Trammel engine, not a replacement, the PIE 6.xx is building

on the things we have learned from the Trammel so far. There have been a number of

ephiphanies throughout the project that show direct correlations between the designs. 

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The PIE's design overview:

The PIE has had several inherent shortcomings in the design, some of which have been

difficult to overcome (see my blog for details) but have not proven to be impossible.

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The PIE's design advantages:

The PIE is very energy efficent compared with other propulsion methods like jet engines.

Even in a small package weighing under 100 lbs, PIEs can be very powerful.

The overall design is relatively simple.

The basic PIE is inexpensive to build with "off-the-shelf" components.

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The PIE's design DIS-advantages:

Pulsation is very noticeable.

Rotational speed is limited.

The number of masses (weights) is limited (adding to pulsation).

Needs to be attached to a larger mass (vehicle).

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Overcoming the disadvantages:

Objectionable pulsation is the most prominent problem to overcome.



Pictures below show progress.

Assembling a new "double-decker" design.

Some parts from the PIE 4-series are being re-used for this updated design.

Each assembly is indepentently powered.

A Quantified Backlash Drive mechanism will allow the two halves to run independently yet stay "synchronized".

Early demonstrations coming soon to our YouTube & BitChute channels.


More To Come soon, as testing and building continue!