PIE 6.xx

PIE 6.0:

As a "companion" project to the Trammel engine, not a replacement, the PIE 6.xx is building

on the things we have learned from the Trammel so far. There have been a number of

ephiphanies throughout the project that show direct correlations between the designs. 

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The PIE 6.0 design overview:

The PIE has had several inherent shortcomings in the design, some of which have been

difficult to overcome (see my blog for details) but have not proven to be impossible.



The PIE 6.0 Is built from some of the best components we have created so far.

The masses and the gearing are borrowed from the PIE 4

Two new electric motors are used with a single PMW speed controller.

Two separate SDCs (Speed Differential Controls) are used which bypass the speed

controller. Isolation diodes were used to avoid feedback.

The "stacked" design was copied from the PIE 2.


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Overcoming the disadvantages:

Objectionable pulsation is the most prominent problem to overcome which brings 

me to the latest developing component.

The Quantified Backlash Drive Coupler (QBD or QBC for short)

This allows the 2 motors to be independently operated by the SDCs without

affecting the othe motor but it still keeps them synchronized within approx. 45 degrees.

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Successful Testing:

The QBD is officially a great success!

Pulsation is nearly eliminated with no thrust power lost!

This should pave the way for more powerful units to be built with smooth operation!


For details please visit our Blog.


Pictures below show progress.

Assembling a new "double-decker" design.

Some parts from the PIE 4-series are being re-used for this updated design.

Each assembly is indepentently powered.

A Quantified Backlash Drive mechanism will allow the two halves to run independently yet stay "synchronized".

THE QBD showing the "Backlash Window".

Very simple concept and very effective!

Video demonstrations are now available YouTube & BitChute channels.


More To Come soon, as testing and building continue!