I am still around! I am still building! I am not going anywhere!
It has been quite a while since my last posting and my last video. I have been hard at work on the PIE X design. I am still not at liberty to detail its design except to say it is based on a series of rotating discs which use specialized components under tension and using a “Mass Displacement” system should create efficient linear thrust. It is still being called a PIE because it does have a pulsed propulsion component, but these pulses “should” happen 4 times per revolution and run at 1000 RPMs or more so the pulsing should be MUCH smoother than that of the previous PIEs.
Although this is not my original design, and it has been done before, there are no working devices known to exist and its duplication attempts have all been in vain… Until now. Well, soon anyway! The main unit is framed up and the rotating discs do rotate very well. The specialized internals are partially complete, and testing has had some very positive results thus far!
Without giving details regarding the origin of this base design, the person who originated it stated that they ‘…will not give away all my secrets…” and emphatically stated that others will have to “…figure it out for themselves…” and so we are figuring it out now.
It is unfortunate that the original designer was (and still is) compelled to distance themselves from this technology!
What I can say about the PIE X is that it is using 3 rotating “wheels” which are referred to as “discs” or “plates” and has at least 10 times more parts as the PIE 4.x series has in it, not including nuts and bolts holding the framework together. I can also say that I have built it with absolutely no regard for overall weight. Most of the unit is built with heavy steel components rather than lighter weight aluminum and/or hollow parts. Overall weight has become too much to easily move around as it is well over 130 lbs. and still does not have an electric motor installed. I am hoping that with all the excess mass it has enough thrust to easily demonstrate linear thrust.
Right now I am turning it with a hand crank, and because of a problem with what I refer to as a “backfire” I will not be installing a motor until later. The backfire is 100% mechanical (no actual fire) and refers to a point internally where stresses are suddenly released in the wrong direction and a backward movement happens (inside). This could have catastrophic effects, so the issue needs resolution before a motor can be used!
I did post a rather ambiguous video online with the internal pieces covered (for now)…