I have uploaded copies of the book “Inertial Impulse Propulsion Engine of Brandson Roy Thornson”, the “Thornson Physics” full movie-length video, and the Thornson U.S. patent.
They are saved t
Here are links to each of these works,.
Please note: The video’s quality is rather poor at times. It was recovered from old VHS tape format which was degrading in storage.
Also note: The book seems a bit disjointed, or out of order. This is exactly as it was published and delivered to me. The information in its pages is priceless and needs to be preserved.
Video: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1rRlu5DZCNO3Pf6BgSCf_nFqG5ZHPJ4cD/view?usp=sharing
Book: https://drive.google.com/file/d/198m-b8vt9I4S-U9W4NFpJQR-CavgQR5D/view?usp=sharing
Patent: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1JEjGf5L85beHRo_A99GyQ8fzRSFwxJyO/view?usp=sharing
To the best of my knowledge none of these works are currently protected by an active copyright. If anyone knows differently, please leave it in a comment and if found to be true, the work will be removed immediately.