Trammel Update for mid-March 2023


Whew… It has been a really busy 4 months since I posted here! So here is a “snapshot update” of the highlights followed by videos.

  1. Nov. 2022: The PIE 5.0 works. No where near as well as I wanted, but one more time I learned sooo much that I call it a win!
  2. Dec. 2022: I took what I learned and applied it to the Trammel engine.
  3. Dec. 2022: The AMP, or “Active Mass Point”, design is put into service. “Game changer”!!!
  4. Jan. 2023: New years day, the Trammel displays repeatable “proof of principal” thrust!
  5. Feb. 2023: Partial overhaul of the Trammel. Several weak points proved where many of the mechanical stresses are and where they are not.
  6. Feb. 2023: Built a new balance beam with a 20:1 ratio. The Trammel again displays repeatable thrust.
  7. Mar. 2023: The special ordered brushless motor gives out & looses so much power it is affecting thrust output.
  8. Mar. 2023: Revamped the motor drive and installed 2 identical 24 volt motors with a 1:2 overdrive gear ratio.
  9. Mar. 2023: Theory of  “mass displacement” is better understood.

Like I said, I have been busy! Here are some of these highlights on my YouTube channel and mirrored on my Bit Chute channel.

PIE 5.0
Repairs & partial overhaul complete & still has thrust!
Thrust demo on new balance beam
Two motors at full speed

So next up will be back to the balance beam and we will be making adjustments to improve thrust. In the near future, an improved build is on the docket using everything learned thus far including improved versions of the highly successful AMP design.

I can easily speculate that the Trammel Engine will become more compact but much stronger within a protective enclosure that will also reduce the noise level dramatically.

Stay tuned for more!

PIE 5.0 Update & “Scientific Heresy”

The PIE 5.0 does work! It is not as good as I was hoping, but it does show just one more way this “impossible” propulsion becomes possible! The things learned by actually putting hands to work in the shop far outweigh the mainstream physics falsehoods still perpetrated in many (or most) of our “higher learning” institutions.

What I am about to say is considered “heresy” in the “religion of science”:

Science is supposed to be available to everyone.

Science is supposed to be FUN.

Scientific information is supposed to be openly available and shareable.

Science and physics are supposed to be shared and debatable among all of us, not just the PhD’s. PhD’s who unfortunately tend to believe what they were taught in their final years of education, which is that their Graduate Degree somehow makes them “better” than everyone else. Science is not supposed to discriminate, science (by definition) is to “observe” with an open mind, not “dismiss” with no regard to the idea of actually learning what is possible.

That said, the PIE 5.0 did work, but just not as well as I hoped but that is actually a large part of what makes testing it successful! Every test, every build, every experiment, every failure, every debate & every argument lost has taught me something and makes me who I am today!

Latest Test of the PIE 5.0

The data and understanding gained from development of all of the PIE versions (including the PIE 5.0) is now being poured liberally back into the Trammel Engine project with a renewed enthusiasm! That alone is worth the time spent planning, laying out, building, and testing! And as a bonus, it is “fun“!

More to come soon, please check back here for updates!

PIE 5.0 Becoming a Reality & 1st Picture

So the first successful test of the PIE 5.0 concept is in the books! Although it is only a bench test with one “wheel”, built on the PIE 4’s frame, and sitting on roll pipes, there is no doubt that there is strong forward thrust with reversion at a level of “little to none”.

Adding more weight will definitely increase thrust as seen in experiments completed. An increase of RPM may also increase thrust, but that has not been experimentally confirmed.

So, what is the big deal with the PIE 5.0? No sun gear! No planetary gears! No impact zones! No stops to get broken!

What does this serve to accomplish? Less noise! Less potentially damaging pounding! Longer thrust pulse duration! No need for a pivot point to swing the weight! Virtually no reversion!

The one thing I struggle with is the need to make this work public while also wanting to build a business around it. Conventional thought says that it needs to remain secret, while every fiber of my being screams “make it public”. With guidance from above, I have built this, & with that same guidance will come the reveal.

Below is a photo of the first tested prototype. Much continues to change so more details will be added as work progresses.