PIE 4.8 Testing- and -Doubters, Debunkers, and Haters:

Well now, it seems that with the openness of the experimentation, building, fabricating, and functional videos that the “it doesn’t work” folks have become “it only works because of” folks.

The better we get this working, and the more verified data there is, the more people keep coming up with reasons they think we get propulsion. Primarily this presumptive opinion input has revolved around friction. The common theory is that “contact” with virtually anything is the friction causing propulsion. I cannot say that anything is impossible, but short of tossing this thing out into space it will be nearly impossible to “disprove” that theory! Here is my position on this… “Who freaking cares?!?!?!” It just works, so let us expand on this and put it to use for the betterment of EVERYONE!

I get it that the super smart technical theorists believe that anything that isn’t incredibly complex simply cannot work. Sorry people, but that is just another false theory which has been mistaken as fact.

Mine is NOT the only system that works, mine is not the only tech that needs to be openly replicated. If the replications are done with an expectation of failure, it will most likely fail. If they are done with an open & optimistic attitude with an expectation of recording valuable data, extraordinary things are possible!

PIE 4.8 First Test Setup

I have recently published the video on YouTube and BitChute of the first round of Dual-Wheeled testing with fully independent asynchronous control of each wheel (CW & CCW rotating). More testing videos will be published, and a comprehensive report will be published when these tests are complete. That video is visible below.

PIETECH Page 12, Happy New Year (Thank God 2020 is Over, Let’s Move Forward!!!)

As 2020 comes to a close, I look forward to what 2021 will bring. “Normal” life was suspended, the MSM news cannot seem to find anything to report that doesn’t have a carefully scripted narrative, alternative news sources have come under fire from big tech and the MSM, but those of us quietly building, designing and experimenting found the slow-down to be a productive time.

It has been a strange year but there has been a great deal of progress by “amateur” researchers and experimenters, so I thought it only right to recap some of the more important inertial & gyroscopic propulsion findings of 2020.

From esteemed engineering professionals to a host of virtually unknown tinkerers (me) and from all parts of the world, approaches to building a fully functional inertial drive system are quite varied but the experiments publicly presented have erased all doubt that this is a valid (although infant) technology which will soon be a budding mainstream industry.

Early in 2020, the early evidence presented and posted on video platforms such as YouTube and BitChute was still drawing a LOT of negative attention from some “learned” “experts” who unequivocally argued that all working units are fakes designed to defraud the unlearned public. Most of these demonstrations were genuine, and many of the online attackers were nothing more than “trolls” attempting to keep honest people from discovering anything meaningful. I am not going to speak for the many brilliant people who have designs of their own, I will only mention the work I have done over the last 12+ months.

In 2019, I had finally built a proof of principal gyroscopic design of my own design when I happened upon the work of Roy Thornson. I saw his design as a highly workable and developable device that should be replicated and improved. So I shelved (but kept intact) my initial work and switched to the Thornson design. I downloaded everything I could find, bought every available technical reference, and eventually even contacted someone who knew Roy personally. Within a month or two, I had a Thornson based replica that could self-propel across a workbench and I was “hooked”.

I decided that because I had built a working model that could easily “go missing”, the safest way to keep both it and me safe was to make every step public, free, and open source. So all the building steps were posted to a blog (this blog) and the machinery itself video recorded and publicly released. I hope that my work can help someone else with their journey.

The things I learned and overcame regarding inertial propulsion are all posted publicly, but here is a recap (I’m sure there are things I missed):

How to make steel spur gears, cheap enough to be disposable.

How to attach automotive flexplates to bearings for the main wheels.

How to make different types of swinging weights.

How important the inner stop is, it does not work without it!

How to make the outer stop a part of the planet gear.

How a slipping belt can cause it to stop thrusting (chains are better).

How different configurations of gears affect performance.

How different timing affects performance and is different for hybrid use.

How a dead blow weight design enhances performance.

How performance is affected by counter rotating wheels.

How to effectively use as a hybrid “helper” drive.

How to make better steel gears.

How to select the correct drive motor.

How to write a manual.

How to build a website.

How to ignore (and delete) negative comments.

How important it is to have friends who understand inertial propulsion (thanks Tokio).

How an eccentric gear design can enhance performance.

How important it is to listen to and commune with my God.

I also learned a whole lot about what does NOT work!!!

There are probably more items to add… Read the blog & watch the videos for details including some failed tests, early tests, designs that work, and designs that don’t.

I already have 2 design changes in mind for the first part of 2021, it should be exciting! I hope others get busy building too! I also hope everyone stays safe. Happy New Year!

PIETECH Page 9 – PIE 4.5 With New Dead Blow Type Weight

The latest test of the PIE 4.5 is using a 1 kg dead blow type weight. The weight is a steel box with steel shot (BB’s) inside it. It appears to have a lot of promise, as there is virtually no “bounce” when the weight hits the inner stop, and it seems to be dampened where it would contact the outer stop if it had one (has not been installed).

PIE 4.5 with Dead Blow
Dead Blow Weight Installed On PIE 4.5

There is a video of this first testing on YouTube and BitChute. The problem however remained that the centrifugal force and impact force did not push in the same direction, which was the reason for Thornson’s “Inner Planet Trap” which would hold the weight and release at the correct time.

The answer is to install a “guide” on the end of the weight which would keep the weight near the center axle and correct the problem of thrusting in two different directions. This is proving , so far, to be a much improved design. This can also be seen on YouTube and BitChute.

Guide Fastened to Dead Blow Weight

These improvements are now bringing the PIE version up to “PIE 4.6”.

PIE 4.6 – Dead Blow Weight and Guide

Check out the videos on YouTube and BitChute & thanks for watching!



PIETECH P.6 – Web Site Active, Manual is Ready, 3-planet System Testing, & Possible Changes to the Weights

The Web Site

 The web site is officially up and running! I am definitely not a web page builder, but thanks to some awesome open source software (Open Element) and a very cost effective web hosting company (https://www.hostens.com) who also offer a suite of programs free with the service, www.stclairtech.tech is live.

Eventually this blog may migrate to the www.stclairtech.tech site.

The Manual

The PIE BUILDER’S MANUAL is complete as well and there are links to it from the stclairtech web site. I have listed it on eBay either as a downloadable PDF formatted e-book or as a paper manual. The paper manual also includes the downloadable version and they both come with links to exclusive manual “companion videos”.

The PIE 4.3

The PIE 4.3 has the new motor installed, and the RPMs are just where I expected them to be. The 24v motor is very strong and seems to do a great job of maintaining a stable speed under load. I thought I was ready to build the second wheel, but building the web site gave me some time to think. There are some modifications and variations I want to explore and experiment with as the building continues.

1st I definitely want to try an odd number of planet gears. One gear works better than tow, so I need to see if that is going to continue to change results as the number of gears increases.

2nd I want to add an electrical circuit to the drive motor that can instantly vary the speed it runs. Since I know that if it is allowed to slow when the weight is leaving the center and accelerating in velocity (power stroke) the thrust is dramatically reduced, it stands to reason that inverting this RPM drop into an RPM increase may lead to better results. This could be somewhat accomplished with matching offset drive sprockets, but I think that faster translations between speeds may be more effective….

3rd I want to increase the efficiency of the weights… But how? The answer to this may have already been answered more than 85 years ago by Mr. Harry W. Bull of Syracuse, NY with a device he called the “Propulsor”. This led to an OMG moment…

OMG Moment:

The H.W. Bull “Propulsor”:

In January of 1935 Harry W. Bull of Syracuse NY was featured in a Popular Science article for his invention known as a “Reaction Motor” which came to be known as the “Propulsor”. This design uses 2 equal weights that are slammed into opposite ends of a tube, one weight hits a solid stop while the other hits a “spring” stop. This creates a differential in the efficiency of the “stopping” of the weights. The solid hit creates sound and heat as waste energies while the “spring” end transmits the directional force more efficiently. Like the difference between a steel and a “dead-blow” hammer.

An interesting chapter in the professional life of Harry Bull is available online at http://epizodsspace.airbase.ru/bibl/inostr-yazyki/iaa/1989/Winter_Harry_Bull_American_Rocket_Pioneer.pdf  . On pages 308 & 309 of this volume of a much larger book, the propulsor is briefly discussed.

Of course, Mr. Bull’s work with the Propulsor was immediately rebuffed  by the “scholars” of the time and was publicly denounced as a “fallacious” in 1947, just as all other attempts at a reactionless drive have been and still are today.

Harry W. Bull Pendulum Testing

Basic Principal of Propulsor

Back to PIE 4.3

What if the PIE’s weights were “dead-blow”? Since a dead-blow hammer effectively transmits more force in every blow than a plain hammer because it has almost no “bounce-back”, I think that a similar design could be used for the weights which would then transmit their power more effectively with less wasted energy. The reason it transmits power more efficiently is because it lengthens the TIME the contact blow happens! Time, the length of time that virtually any impulse drive uses to produce directional force is a critical feature in successful operation!

3-Planet System

Current Work

Currently the PIE 4.3 has the option of 2 or 3 planet gears. The 3-gear design just makes sense to me, but testing will tell the story there. There is a motor speed controller currently ordered and I am building more weights to experiment with. 

I have just begun testing the 3-planet set-up and I will post more as I go, but there is a video of an initial test run available on YouTube and BitChute (links below).

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ii1l8W9-8nQ

BitChute: https://www.bitchute.com/video/5pmnbyhLKRcJ/

PIETECH P.4, Coming Soon, a PITECH Builders’ Manual, Also Continuing the PIE 4.3’s Progress


PIETECH Manual: There has been a “Manual” in the works for a while now. It is coming together well and once it is completed it should be a valuable resource for anyone wanting to experiment with Inertial Propulsion without spending untold hours with trial and error testing and expensive components that may not be exactly what is necessary. I have several reasonably complete drafts sent out to other people familiar with this technology for their opinions and criticism. Below is a preview shot of the Cover and the Table of Contents as it is right now.

I am hoping to have this available before the end of the year!

PIETECH Manual Cover

There is also a section within the manual that explains the mechanisms which create the driving force in greater detail than has ever been published, to the best of my knowledge. Color photos and detailed instructions means that little or no math is necessary to follow along, build a working PIE 1.0 or 2.0, and gain a better understanding of the inertial propulsion principals proven to work via the PIE.


Continuing on with the PIE 4.3: Now I am preparing to expand the PIE 4.3 into a 2-wheeled unit running in the 200 to 300 RPM range. Tests have proven the possibility of running RPMs in the 850 to 1000 range, but the components would need a pretty severe redesign in order to sustain those RPMs for more than a minute or two, so I am planning on staying under 500 RPMs for now.

Component Failure: The damage from running at full speed (around 875 RPM) is significant. Both outer stops were broken (twice each), and the sprocket gears used as the planet gears have many bent teeth.

Much of that damage was incurred when the outer stop(s) broke and the weight could jam the assembly. That is also when timing would jump.

“Overspeed” Gear Damage

Possible Gear Changes: Notably the sun gear is completely undamaged! Since there is no damage there and considering the severe pounding the gears in the PIE 2.0 suffered with only minor issues (spot welds breaking), I am reluctant to purchase expensive spur gears which will absolutely have weaker teeth than my homemade ones. Better welding, and perhaps a coating should make perfectly acceptable gears that will stand the abuse of slinging the PIE’s weights.

Sprockets for Now: I will probably continue to use the sprockets as planet gears for now, but if they continue having damage issues they will need improvements to minimize the problem.

The sprockets I am using in the PIE 4.3, they are 40A26 sprockets with a 1” center hole. When I weld in the rods, I could skip every other space and that would make 13 tooth gears that would be much stronger and mesh with better precision than just welding rods to a flat pulley.

Those sprockets are very inexpensive from https://www.surpluscenter.com (around $3 US each at this time) and they are easily welded.

40A26 Hubless Sprocket

Adding to the PIE 4.3: I now know for a fact that the PIE 4.3 produces 20 oz. of thrust at 275 RPMs, and it runs smoothly at that speed. A second wheel is being added, and it will need to be timed to the first wheel, so a chain drive is being planned out for the drive. I would ideally be able to test with both synchronized “sympathetic” spin wheels and also test with synchronized but “opposing” spin wheels and switch directions as easily as rerouting the chain and having a second set of weights. Time will tell how that works out.

Wheel Configuration: It is VERY tempting to stack the wheels up for this higher speed unit, like the PIE 2.0, but I think it should be a side-by-side to make the switching of directions as simple as possible. I suppose the question should be regarding the placement of the second wheel. Beside the 1st one or in front of it? Perhaps that is something else that should be “changeable” for experimentation purposes as well…


PIETECH Volume 1, page 1: PIE 4.0 and PIE 2.0 Thrust Stall Test Results





As we open a new chapter in the PIE project previous chapters are not closed, instead they continue as the earliest pioneering efforts put forth leading to PIETECH and will undergo more extensive power in/out ratio testing for scientific purposes.

The PIE 1.0 & 2.0 are also the necessary “trainers” to teach the concepts of PIETECH, and actual building plans are forthcoming within the next few months!

Update added: The PIE 2.0 requires just over 30 oz of thrust to self-propel as seen in the earlier posted video. Another test was run, using weights placed in front of the PIE 2.0. The weights were added until it would not move them, then backed off until movement was just apparent. Then a digital scale was used to push the whole rig forward in order to determine maximum thrust (stall method). This test was repeated a total of 8 times with identical results.

Maximum thrust is now calculated at 230 oz which is 14.375 lbs or 6.52 kg.


PIE 3.0 is a hybrid design which has been which has some unique features which include an active RPM control system using offset pivots. The PIE 3.0 has thus far shown itself to have tremendous power potential but the early tests have proven internal stresses which are very difficult to contain. This 3.0 design is a collaborative effort being developed in a separate lab.

PIE 4.0 is a high-speed PIE designed to run well above the speeds of the PIE 1.0 & 2.0 and designed to explore the power of speed v. weight. Early designs have focused on increasing the mass of the weights, and has proven that increasing the mass is effective to a point but that increasing the speed has a much greater effect with very small incremental changes.


High-Speed Planetary Gears

The fist obstacle to a high-speed drive is the planetary gear set. While high speed spur gears are available commercially, the cost for these gears tends to be prohibitive for experimental use in which component damage is rather common.

The Planetary gears need to be able to smoothly run at speeds exceeding 1000 RPMs as well as run within reasonably acceptable noise levels.

1st Experimental Gear Set

The first experimental high-speed gears have been made with reinforced cloth covered flexible material from 14mm pitch industrial timing belts, and although this is very quiet, they flex too much and timing between gears is impossible to hold. This may be revisited another time but is not considered viable for experimental use right now.


2nd Experimental Gear Set

It has been decided (for now) to use chain sprockets for the planet gears and an inverted chain drive sun gear. The inverted chain drive is simply a sprocket with the teeth cut down about 90% of the way. A roller chain is wrapped onto the gear and the divots formed at the bottom of the teeth hold the chain so it cannot slip. The chain ends are connected with a standard connector and has not had any need for further work or welding so far.

The only problem experienced with this has been that of run-out due to the sun gear axle getting bent slightly and the deflection of the flexplate. The (possible) solution to those issues has been worked out and will be reported here when it is unveiled.


The PIE 4.0

The new PIE 4.0 has now been bench run. It uses very low mass (1.94oz) weights and a 110 volt motor to spin it. The RPM tested at this point is 850 (+/- 10 RPMs).

The high RPM certainly does make a difference, as the PIE proceeded to dump the bench and its contents the 1st time and then with the 2nd run (which was videoed) it pulled itself out of the c-clamp holding it to the bench. That is a lot more power than was anticipated.

Volume 2 Page 15, PIE 4.0, The High Speed PIE:

PIE 4.0

The latest incarnation of the PIE is kind of a step back to an earlier design as well as a step forward to push the limits of PIETECH possibilities.


I am using a single wheel (for now) with a much lighter weight, even lighter than the PIE 1.0 design. I am trying out a quiet gear set which uses a 14mm pitch timing belt as the teeth which is fastened to the same size (3.5″) steel pulley as used on the PIE 1.0 & 2.0, and although it is quieter I am not sure if the teeth are robust enough to use as a spur gear.

Initial testing of the PIE 4.0 is very encouraging, although there are some small issues arising from the increased speed which has currently been measured at just over 750 RPMs. The most serious issue has been the used motor I pulled off of the storage shelf. Although the 110 volt motor was marked as “Good” because it runs well without a load, it quickly overheats and shuts down when it is turning the PIE4.0. The other issue is the soft gear design which seems to work well most of the time, but has “slipped” out of time on several test runs. I may revert to the welded steel gears before I am done since I still do not feel that purchasing expensive spur gears in this size range, just to risk having them destroyed if the design fails elsewhere, is an acceptable risk. Eventually I am sure that it will become necessary in order to achieve high speeds for extended periods of time.

The lighter weights (2 oz. including the pivot bushing) are actually performing better than expected as thrust becomes readily apparent in the 100 to 200 RPM range, although a better study of this is required.

The PIE 4.0 has only been bench tested so far, but it easily moves my bench around when it is clamped to the surface of it. Since the PIE 2.0 was just barely able to move the bench, I am encouraged to keep pushing forward with this high speed unit.